Google has reportedly declined to remove the controversial app called 'Absher' that allows men in Saudi Arabia track and control women's movements.
After review of the app, Google has concluded that it does not violate any agreements and hence, can remain on the Google Play Store. According to Business Insider, Google communicated the decision to the office of Representative Jackie Speier, a California Democrat who, with other members of Congress, demanded the removal of the app.
Meanwhile, Apple is still reviewing Absher and Rep. Speier told the publication that the responses by both the tech giants are 'deeply unsatisfactory'.
Absher, backed by the Saudi Arabia government, has received severe criticism from women's rights group for being oppressive in nature. The app has been primarily designed for Saudi citizens to access e-government services. However, it also allows men to track women or migrant worker and control where they travel, the duration and set restrictions to their movements through passport data.
Absher is presently available on Google Play Store as well as Apple App Store.