Following the return Border Security Force jawan, Satyasheel Yadav, who was in Pakistan's custody, BSF Director General D K Pathak said that he was grateful to Pakistan authorities for treating Yadav well.
"This is our jawan who has returned; he is well and has returned safely. He was caught by rangers and civilians there, I am told that he was treated well and wasn't misbehaved with. I am grateful to them (Pak authorities) for treating him well," said Pathak.
"If anyone tries to attack us we will give a befitting reply.
Earlier today, Border Security Force jawan, Satyasheel Yadav, who was in Pakistan's custody returned to India.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had said that Yadav would be handed over to India at 3 p.m. today.
Singh had also added that the Director General of the force will receive the jawan.
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SatysheelYadav, who was part of a team patrolling the Chenab River when the engine of the motorboat failed, was swept away by a strong current to the Pakistan side where he was picked up the Rangers.
According to sources from the BSF, around 11 am on Wednesday, four BSF jawans were in the boat when it developed some technical snag near Chenab post.
Due to technical snag engine of the boat had shut down. Three of them were lucky as they left the boat and swam to the river bank safely.
Yadav is said to be in a good condition, but is also believed to have undergone questioning by Pakistan i authorities.