Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan today held a meeting with the state secretaries and Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Najeeb Jung, to review their preparedness in preventing dengue and malaria.
The Union Minister said, "We have called the meeting to basically work out a strategy to ensure that in the coming weeks the states are better equipped to handle dengue and malaria cases. In the monsoon season, dengue and malaria assume special importance, so it's a question of raising everybody's awareness."
Harsh Vardhan also stressed on the importance of making the general public aware of the dreaded diseases, which claim many lives during the monsoon season.
Delhi's Lieutenant Governor, Najeeb Jung, also talked about the state's preparedness to tackle dengue and malaria.
He said, "The issue here is to prepare ourselves to face what may happen. I called up the agencies concerned including the DDA, the municipalities and the railways yesterday just to get them on steam. I have given a paper to Dr Vardhan on steps we have taken.