With the arrest of five accused, the Haryana Police have cracked the ATM theft case that took place on the intervening night of February 21 and 22 in Saha town of Ambala district. The robbers had uprooted the entire ATM machine and took it along in a vehicle.
Giving this information here today, a spokesperson of the Haryana Police said that after a thorough investigation, police had arrested five persons identified as Sunny Khurana of Kurukshetra, Bittu Panchal of Jind, Himanshu, Raman Thakur, and Aman Kathuria, all of Kurukshetra.
Police had also recovered stolen money of Rs 6.77 lakh from their possession.
He said that following a complaint lodged by the Manager of Central Bank of India on February 22 at Saha Police station, police had registered a case and handed over it to the Crime Investigation Agency (CIA).
The CIA team after investigation cracked the case by arresting five members and managed to recover Rs 6.77 lakh. The ATM had Rs 19.40 lakh cash.
The arrested accused will be taken on police remand by producing them in the court to recover the ATM machine, the vehicle used in the crime and remaining stolen money, said the spokesperson.