A Delhi court on Thursday will continue to hear the plea on the Anti-India slogan raised in Delhi University's Ramjas College.
On July 19, the Court pulled up the Crime Branch of the Delhi Police for not filing a status report for the last six months in connection with Ramjas college clash where the slogans were raised.
The Crime Branch then sought more time to file a status report on the issue.
The court was hearing plea seeking lodging of FIR against those who allegedly raised anti-national slogans.
The plea was filed by an advocate alleging that massive anti-national slogans were raised by the students of All India Students Association (AISA) and Students' Federation of India (SFI) at Ramjas College.
On February 22, the All India Students Association (AISA) and the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) engaged into a scuffle over cancellation of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student Umar Khalid's talk at the Ramjas College.