A new video by BuzzFeed has revealed what the magic spells in 'Harry Potter' actually mean.
According to CNet, the clip unveils meaning behind six of the spells used namely: Expelliarmus (the disarming spell), a combination of Latin words 'expellere,' meaning 'to drive out' and 'arma' meaning 'weapon.'
Accio, which is Latin for 'I summon.'
Expecto Patronum (the patronus charm), from Latin words 'expecto' and 'patronus', meaning 'I await a protector.'
Finite incantatum (the general counter spell), Latin for 'end' and 'having been bewitched', which is best to shut down other spells.
The evil Sectumsempra (a slashing curse), also a mix of Latin verbs, and the fans' favorite, Alohomora (the unlocking charm), which is a Sidiki word from West Africa used in geomancy, and means 'favorable to thieves.'
And if this doesn't sound enough, Potter fans can also check out the list of spells on the Harry Potter Wiki, where detailed explanations of other incantations are given.