Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday highlighted the significance of the National Investigative Agency (NIA) towards national security, and proposed the idea of holding high-level meetings between the agency and state agencies once in every six months to win against terrorism.
Adityanath also informed that four northern states namely Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar shall be affiliated to the Lucknow office, while speaking at the inauguration of the NIA office and residential complex at Lucknow.
The Chief Minister said that the launch of the office "represents the government's commitment towards the development of India, which inspires (all) to do quality work in a time bound manner."
"I was told that this work was to be completed within 24 months, but it took only 18 months. For this, I congratulate and convey my best wishes to the respective task agency and the NIA DG along with all his officers," he added.
The NIA was constituted in 2009 with the view to combat incremental terror attacks.
Hinting on problematic "neighbouring countries who have adopted terrorism as a foreign policy", Yogi said that India would be successful in breaking the back" of terrorism with an institution like the NIA.
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Adityanath proposed to Home Minister Rajnath Singh, who was present for the inauguration, that a high-level meeting be held between the NIA and the state agencies once every six months so that better communication helps them to work effectively on "such crucial issues as national security" with better coordination, and without delays.
He also suggested that if the NIA, besides coordinating with the state agencies, also works towards its aim with modern technology and team spirit, a country like India will win over terrorism.
Adityanath concluded his address by ensuring the support of the UP Government and its associated institutions to agencies like the NIA and every initiative taken by the Union Government that strengthens the unity and the security of the nation.
The NIA office and residential complex was inaugurated by Home Minister Rajnath Singh, on Sunday.
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