High levels of a toxic radioactive isotope have been found in groundwater at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant.
The groundwater contaminated with highly radioactive substances was detected just 27 meters from the seashore within the compound of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.
According to the Japan Times, the announcement is the latest in a series of difficulties Tepco has faced as it is struggling to manage contaminated water at the plant.
The contaminated water poses a great risk to the environment.
Testing revealed strontium-90 readings of 1,000 becquerels per liter, 33 times more than the legal limit, as well as tritium readings of 500,000 becquerels per liter, 8.3 times the limit.
According to the report, Tepco will now be building a bank protection along the shore that will be strengthened with waterproof liquid glass to prevent the contaminated groundwater from reaching the sea.