Recent Catalyst study reveals that gender cap results in stunted career growth for women working in the technology sector.
While women kick start their career as equals with men, expecting career growth, they tend to receive fewer opportunities that lead to advancement, as a result of which, very few women progress to a critical senior-level position
The report, High Potentials Under High Pressure in India's Technology Sector is part of Catalyst's groundbreaking study of MBA graduates from top business schools around the world, Business Wire India reported.
The research concluded that women who have pursued MBA, start at lower positions and pay against their male counterparts, lagging behind significantly in terms of position and salary in the later stages.
Shachi Irde, Executive Director of Catalyst India WRC said that it is important to ensure pay equity, equal access to developmental opportunities, and flexible and inclusive environments for women in order to retain their talent in India.
The key findings of the catalyst report suggest that 79 percent of young high-potential men and women begin their careers with the hope to reach senior executive positions.
However, while 74 percent with young children aspired to reach senior executive CEO levels, 88 percent with old or no children aspired to the top. 42 percent of women with young children also aspired to the top.