Union Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda on Tuesday presented the Railway Budget for fiscal 2014-15 in the Lok Sabha.
The highlights are as follows:
Propose to hike budgetary plan outlay to Rs.47,650 crore
. High priority areas - safety, cleanliness, passenger amenities and capacity augmentation
. Pre-cooked meals by reputed brands, focus on cleanliness and passenger feedback
. Outsource cleaning activities at 50 major stations, separate housekeeping wing for cleanliness and sanitation
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On board housekeeping services will be extended to all trains. Will use mechanized laundry services for bedrolls in AC coaches
. CCTVs to be used for monitoring cleanliness
. R-O drinking water at stations and trains
. In order to prevent accidents, will introduce automatic doors, which close before the train leaves platform .