Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Sambit Patra on Tuesday said the questioning on the state of Indian economy by Congress President Sonia Gandhi shows the frustration of the party.
"As far as Sonia Gandhi commenting on the deteriorating state of the Indian economy, it is ridiculous that those who were responsible for wiping out the Indian economy for two consecutive years are questioning us," Patra told ANI here.
"And today, when the economy is marching ahead, Sonia Gandhi is saying same thing contrary to what the country is seeing. It only shows the frustration of the party, which has reached an all time low today," he added.
Patra said, "The Congress Party's faulty strategy did not let parliament function for so many days during the last session as a result many important Bills were not passed. They should be introspecting as to how they can contribute positively to this country rather than opposing for the sake of opposition.