Doctors' strike in Maharashtra state entered sixth day on Sunday leading to suspension of healthcare services in the state.
Reportedly, the state government dismissed more than 200 doctors on Saturday and warned that strict action would be taken if they failed to return to work by Sunday.
President of Maharashtra Association of Gazetted Medical Officers (MAGMO), Doctor Rajesh Gaikwad, said they will continue their strike unless and until state government approves their demands.
"Since last six days we are on hunger strike. We apologise to poor people of Maharashtra. The state administration is responsible for it. But our demands are valid. The state administration is not listening to us and is not fulfilling our demands," said Gaikwad
Maharashtra people should see that 10, 000 doctors are not on strike without any reason. We will go in jail but will not step back," he added.
He added that their demands like fixed duty hours, fixed time of increment and higher pay were valid and the government should look into it.