The Council of Indian Institute of Technology has recommended changes in the structure of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) from 2017.
The Committee headed by Prof. Ashok Misra submitted its report to the Human Resource Development Minister earlier this week, which aimed at weaning away IIT aspirants from the dependence on coaching institutes.
The Committee has recommended setting up a National Testing Service by early next year to conduct an aptitude test to examine the scientific aptitude and innovative thinking ability.
It said, the Aptitude test may be offered two or more times in a year and would be an online test.
Based on the performance, about four lakh candidates will be shortlisted to take the JEE, which will be on the lines of the current JEE (Advanced).
After this, ranks will be issued to more than 40,000 students, who can seek admission in IITs and NITs based on a common counselling.
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It has also been suggested that the IITs should set up a system for developing mock JEE examinations which will help students prepare for the JEE and wean them away from the coaching industry.
The HRD Ministry has decided to put the recommendations of the committee in public domain for wider consultations.
It was also decided that the JEE 2016 will be conducted in the same manner as 2015, with an enhanced intake from 1.5-2 lakh into the JEE (Advanced) stage.