India has suspended the Maitree Express, a direct train service between Dhaka and Kolkata, in the wake of the deadly terrorist attack at the Holey Artisan cafe in Dhaka that claimed the lives of 22 people including foreigners.
A top official of Indian Railways said the decision was taken after consulting the Bangladesh authorities and it is a cautionary step taken temporarily as the train might be a possible target of terrorists.
But the railway authorities are not directly mentioning the security issue, reports Dhaka Tribune.
Railway spokesperson Anil Saxena said that the Maitree Express had been suspended during Eid-ul-Fitr but he could not confirm when would the train service resume.
Such a step was never taken during Eid in the last eight years.
Maitree Express, which was opened in April 2008, runs between Dhaka and Kolkata twice a week.