In collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Real-time Train Information System (RTIS) project is being executed for the Railway Information System (CRIS).
RTIS is being installed on the electric locomotives for automatic tracking of train movement data, which include arrival, departure, run-through timings at the station en route as well as the speed of the trains, said the Indian Railways in a release on Friday.
The control charts of the trains hauled by RTIS enabled locomotives to get plotted automatically in the Control Office Application (COA) system.
RTIS also gives mid-section location updates, including the current speed of the train, with a periodicity of 30 seconds. With the new intervention, train controllers can now track the location and speed of RTIS enabled locomotives and trains more accurately.
In the first phase, 2,700 electric locomotives of the Indian Railways have been fitted with RTIS. As many as 115 locomotives of the electric loco shed, Kanpur zone of the North Central Railway have already been provided with RTIS.
Once fully implemented, the information generated using RTIS will have a more accurate location of trains, better forecast of arrival time, etc., for enhanced convenience of passengers. It will also help in analyzing actual running of each train in a particular section and will also come handy in pinpointing exact delays in the section on various accounts, said the Indian Railways.