Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Monday said Indian diaspora has enhanced country's image by acting as ambassadors of its culture and asserted that today they have become leaders in every field.
Birla's remarks came during his interaction with the Indian diaspora based in Dubai while returning after attending the 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference held in Kampala, Uganda.
"Indians today have become leaders in every field. This has, in turn, increased respect for the country in every corner of the world," said Birla lauding the role of Indian businessmen in Dubai for their contribution in the economy of the country and social work being done by them.
Referring to the varied political spectrum in the Parliament of India, Birla said that whenever any issue involving the national interest arises, all parties rise above their respective ideologies in the interest of the nation.
Vipul, Consul General of India at Dubai, Ram Baksani, Chairman of India Club and Kesar Kothari, Chairman Rajasthan business group were also present on the occasion.