Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has proposed to build the world's tallest statue, twice the size of Statue of Liberty, in memory of iconic leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
"The statue of Sardar (Patel) will be the tallest statue of the world. The size of Statue of Unity will be double the size of Statue of Liberty," said Modi.
"Sardar was called 'Iron Man'. I want iron from each village," he added.
Modi, who has been appointed as chairman of the BJP's election campaign committee, said the campaign to collect iron would be launched on Patel's birth anniversary on October 31 and continue till January 26.
"We want to launch a campaign from 31st October, which is birth anniversary of Sardar, till 26th January in the entire country, in every district, to collect iron made (farm) tools," he said.