Addressing a massive rally, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the country does not trust the Congress and added that it is in nature of the latter to make false promises to the people.
The arrogance and language of the Congress and the NCP shows that they think the people are their slaves. They should understand that this country is a democracy and those days are gone when you could show eyes to the public.
"Just give me one reason why the incumbent reason should be given another term. Do you trust this government? Have they betrayed your trust or not? Does their arrogance has insulted you or not?" he asked.
He said the Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar had made promises to the people in the last elections but have not fulfilled it yet.
"It is in the nature of the Congress to make false promises to the people so as to win the elections," he alleged.
He said these days the Congress leaders are only thinking how to make Madam Sonia Gandhi happy.
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"They are not interested in worshipping the country. They are only worshipping 'one family'. They can never work for your benefit," he said.
Attacking Shinde, Modi said: "He is not bothered about you people. He is only interested in serving only one family."
"But now, the time has changed. The new generation has awakened. They want those who can work for them," he added.
He also said that poverty is politics for the Congress, and added that they can never understand the pain of the poor people.