After establishing itself as India's leading fashion destination online, Jabong has now announced its partnership with the leading iconic sports and lifestyle brand ASICS Tiger.
Offering a range of both men and women collection, ASICS Tiger will be first launched in India on Jabong on April 30th. The brand will be offered in 55 shoe variants with prices ranging from Rs.5999 to Rs. 12499.
Speaking about the partnership, MD and CEO Jabong, Sanjeev Mohanty said, "We are excited to be the first to launch ASICS Tiger in India. Sportswear has been a major focus for us over the years and it's been our constant endeavor to offer the best products to fitness and sports enthusiasts in the country. The addition of an iconic brand like ASICS Tiger will strengthen the strong portfolio of sportswear we have created by bringing top brands on board."
"Announcing ASICS Tiger in India is a mark of great accomplishment for our team, and we are excited to present a range of high quality footwear to the street fashion-savvy market in India. ASICS Tiger products have the perfect blend of ASICS heritage technology to provide maximum support and modern designs for the fashion and style conscious audience," said Director for ASICS India, Rajat Khurana.
"It was a strategic decision to enter the market via e-commerce keeping in mind the evolving buying patterns of consumers, especially the fast paced fashion centric audience," added Rajat Khurana.