Newly elected Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy, in a heartwarming gesture on Wednesday, halted his convoy and stepped up to help a cancer patient, whose friends stood with placards near Visakhapatnam airport, hoping to catch his attention.
The chief minister, who was returning after visiting the Sarada Peetham airport, stopped when he saw a group of youngsters holding the banner "Please save our friend suffering from blood cancer". After he heard them the chief minister directed District Collector K Bhaskar to provide them with the required provisions for the operation.
Neeraj Kumar, who has completed class 10 was diagnosed with blood cancer and had to procure Rs 25 lakhs for an operation before June 30. Kumar, whose father works as a coolie and his mother as a vegetable vendor, was admitted to Basava Tarakam Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad.
His family says doctors at the hospital said operation for which Rs 25 lakhs is an unavoidable need. Neeraj's friends and teachers have been collecting donations for the last two months but they say they had managed to collect only a small amount so far.