Former Chief Minister and Congress candidate from Amritsar Capt Amarinder Singh on Thursday said that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Arun Jaitley is a sinking ship and should contest from somewhere else rather than contesting from Amritsar.
"Jaitley is a sinking ship, nobody wants him here. Why doesn't he go somewhere else?" asked Singh.
"SAD brought him here and people are fed up with SAD. I do not understand how are they going to help him?" he said.
Jailtey is contesting against Amarinder Singh after replacing BJP's previous nominee for Amritsar Navjot Singh Sidhu.
The BJP in its Central Election Committee meeting which was finalizing the list of candidates for the upcoming elections apparently had reportedly told Sidhu that he (Sidhu) would not be fielded again from the high-profile constituency of Punjab and was given a choice of three other seats - Delhi, Chandigarh or Kurukshetra.