Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa has sought one more year to implement the National Food Security Act in her state.
In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, she said that the time limit set by the Centre to implement the act by the end of this month is unrealistic.
Jayalithaa mentioned that the computerisation of the public distribution system and the seeding of Aadhaar Card details with family cards is going on, and therefore, the identification of priority households under the Food Security Act is possible only after all these processes are completed.
She said that demands such as supplying additional food grains being drawn by states at the rate of Rs. 3 per kilogram and extending the guaranteed supply of subsidised food grains from three years to ten years should be addressed satisfactorily.
She also demanded that the cash transfer or food coupon system should be implemented only with the concurrence of the state government.