Defending RJD patron Lalu Prasad Yadav after the Election Commission expressed its anguish over his remarks that the Bihar election was a fight between the backward and forward communities, Janata Dal (United) spokesperson Pawan Verma on Tuesday said what Lalu has said is the reality of the country.
"Even today there are so many Dalits, Mahadalits, deprived and backward people are living in this country, and every political party should strive to provide them their rights. If you talk about social justice and exclude them, there cannot be social justice," he said.
Verma, however, said the EC had said they would review whether Lalu's statement was promoting casteism, but had neither censored it nor had taken any decision against it.
Lambasting the BJP for accusing Lalu of being casteist, Verma said it was the saffron party that had started playing caste card. "The BJP said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the first backward Prime Minister of India and that the BJP should maintain patience in such matters," he added.