Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Tuesday took a jibe at Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath of running away from the floor test and said that the Congress government can delay the floor test but cannot save the government.
"Dear Office of Kamal Nath, Running away will not change the truth that your government in MP has lost majority. You can run away from the Assembly. You can delay the petition in the Supreme Court by not turning up. Try however hard you may but you cannot escape your fate in the Floor Test," Pradhan tweeted.
Earlier today the rebel Congress MLAs from Madhya Pradesh had held a press conference in Bengaluru stating that they were staying away from Bhopal on their own and had resigned following dissatisfaction with Kamal Nath's style of leadership.
Moreover, the Supreme Court had issued notice to the Madhya Pradesh government and scheduled the hearing for 10:30 am on Wednesday in the plea filed by former MP CM, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, and others to hold immediate floor test in the state Assembly.