In a shocking incident, a son killed his father for disallowing him to play PUBG game. The incident took place at Siddheshwar Nagar under Kakati police station at 5 am this morning.
The deceased has been identified as Shankar, while the accused as Raghuveer Kumbar. Police said Kumbar killed Shankar by cutting him in pieces.
"Raghuveer Kumbar killed his father Shankar for cutting internet connection. He was beaten badly before death for taking his phone and not allowing him to play PUBG game," police said.
"Shankar was sitting in the house at the time when his son attacked him. He locked up other family members in a room and killed his father by cutting him in pieces. The son has been taken into custody" said the Belgaum police.
The deceased Shankar had retired from police service just three months ago. Further investigation is on.