Devender Singh, who was arrested earlier in connection with the attack on a Haryana Roadways bus and a school bus in Gurugram has been identified as the district president of Karni Sena.
The Gurgaon police on Monday identified the president of Karni Sena, who was incidentally taken into preventive custody and sent to Bhondsi jail.
Gurugram Karni Sena chief Thakur Kushalpal was on Saturday detained by the Haryana police in connection with the incidents of violence during the release of movie 'Padmaavat'.
So far, at least 47 miscreants have been arrested by the Gurugram Police in the recent violence.
On January 24, a school bus was attacked by a group of men, who were protesting against the release of the film in Gurugram.
The protesters threw stones at the bus, which was carrying students, teachers and other staff members of G.D. Goenka World School.
The protesters have also torched a state bus on National Highway-8 in Gurugram.