Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday called off his protest outside the Rail Bhawan, after the Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung appealed to him regarding his demand for suspension of erring police officials.
Terming this as people's victory, Kejriwal said he will continue to work for women's protection in the capital.
Addressing his supporters, Kejriwal said, "Considering the Republic Day preparations and issue of national security, the Lieutenant Governor (LG) appealed to us to end our dharna."
"They have partially accepted our demands. They have decided to send police officials of Paharganj and Malviya Nagar on leave. The police have also arrested the culprits involved in the case of women in Sagarpur, who was burned," he added.
He also apologized to the people for the inconvenience caused to them due to shutting of the Metro stations.
"This is a victory for the people of this nation. We will continue our efforts to make the Delhi Police accountable to the government of Delhi. This is the first step towards our goal of achieving full statehood for Delhi. We will also continue to work for women's protection in Delhi," he said.
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He also condemned action taken by police which got people injured during the protest.
Meanwhile, AAP leader Yogendra Yadav said, "This protest was not about the three police officers, but it was about Delhi Government having a say in the law system of Delhi."
"People are having an opinion that either you will sit in the minister's office or will protest on the streets. Our party is here to break these myths. We will also run the government and will simultaneously protest," he added.
The Kejriwal-led AAP protest had entered its second day on Tuesday, and neither of the two major political parties-the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was in favour of its protest.
Commuters were the hardest hit in central Delhi due to the AAP's protest.
Over 4000 police personnel had secured the protest area, and Rapid Action Force (RAF) teams are on standby duty.
Earlier, Kejriwal and AAP workers had tried to remove the barricades at Rail Bhawan and threatened to go on an indefinite strike if his demands were not met.
Four Metro stations - Patel Chowk, Central Secretariat, Udyog Bhavan, Race Course - were stopped operating until further notice.