Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister M. Veerappa Moily on Saturday said Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief Arvind Kejriwal lacks basic fundamental knowledge of the law, and added that the hike in the prices of gas was not his personal decision.
"The allegation against me is against the cabinet; it was the decision of the cabinet, not a personal decision or my own decision. The allegations against me are baseless," Moily told media here.
"He (Kejriwal) doesn't realize; doesn't understand the basic fundamental law," he added.
On February 11, Kejriwal had said that a case had been filed by the Delhi Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) against two UPA Ministers-Murli Deora and M.Veerappa Moily-and Reliance Industries Chairperson Mukesh Ambani for allegedly conspiring to inflate gas prices in the Delhi/National Capital Region.
Kejriwal had also written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to put on hold the gas price hike from April 1 till a case pending before the Supreme Court is disposed off.
Kejriwal had said ACB officials filed the cases on the basis of a complaint lodged against Reliance Industries.