Union Law Minister Kapil Sibal on Monday said that Aam Aadmi Party Chief Arvind Kejriwal's blunder of paying homage to four RTI activists, three of whom were alive, was because he was addressing a rally in Gujarat, and anyone who went there, would get influenced by the ignorance of the state government there.
"What he said was not surprising, as he was in Gujarat. So, the environment would have an affect on what he said," said Sibal.
Whoever goes there, gets influenced by the ignorance prevailing in the government.I would only say that some people do not know the truth, and some do not know their history," he added.
Yesterday in Gujarat, Kejriwal paid homage to four RTI activists, of whom three happen to be alive.
Kejriwal started his speech by reading an obituary note in which he named Amit Jethwa, Bhagu Dewani, Jaysukh Bhambhaniya and Manisha Goswami as "martyrs" for the cause of society.
"First of all, I want to pay homage to those who have sacrificed their lives in the last 10 years while fighting against corruption in Gujarat," he said, while addressing a rally in Ahmedabad on Sunday.