With the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) of the Delhi Police registering an FIR against former chief minister Shiela Dikshit and incumbent CM Arvind Kejriwal, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday demanded that Kejriwal must quit the post of chief minister for a fair and transparent probe into the alleged water tanker scam.
"Since, ACB has filed an FIR against Kejriwal and Shiela Dikshit, now Mr. Kejriwal must quit as the chief minister for a fair and transparent probe," said BJP leader R P Singh.
"The issue is both are involved in that corruption. When we raised this issue, saying that there is a scam of Rs. 400 crores and why Mr. Kejriwal is not forwarding the report of his own minister to the LG or the CBI, he has no replies," said Singh in view of inordinate delay in taking a call on the report submitted by Delhi Water Minister Kapil Mishra.
"But when we forced him to file the report; and after we saw the report, it was very clear that those companies which were supplying water tankers had paid some money to Shiela Dikshit or the government at that time," he said.
"Now, if they have done so, the first thing that Mr. Kejriwal should have done is to cancel the contracts of all those companies and should ask for fresh tenders, but he didn't do so. And what his minister Kapil Mishra said, 'the moment I file the report you will remove me'. And it happened, within two days Kapil Mishra was removed. He further said, 'if you take action on the report, your government will be gone'," Singh added.
Questioning that what was holding Kejriwal from taking action against those companies, Singh said, "It means there was something among Mr. Kejriwal, Sheila Dikshi and those companies to transpire, which should be probed now. And, since ACB has filed an FIR, Mr. Kejriwal must quit for a fair and transparent probe."
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When asked about Kejriwal's condemning Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the FIR, the BJP leader said, "When elephant walks down the street, stray dogs keep barking. He can keep doing whatever he has to say, but the fact is that he is answerable to the Delhi's public at large. He must answer Delhiites today that why not he cancelled the contract of those water tanker suppliers whom his government held corrupt. He needs to answer more questions than anyone else."
Speaking over Congress leader Ajay Maken's alleged roughing up a Dalit party worker, he said, "He probably abused a Dalit worker of the party, which shows how much regards they have for the Dalits in the country. They have no respect for Dalits and Balmikies in the country."