The Kerala High Court on Thursday pulled up the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) over a matter where 34 students of class 10 studying at Arooja Little Star School in Kochi, were not able to write exams as the "institution failed to register their names with the Board".
While hearing the plea, the Bench said that CBSE must "show some responsibility".
"CBSE allows schools throughout the country as it seems. They are not conducting any investigation. The silence of CBSE is being exploited by profit-makers. Do you allow such schools to exploit children? Do not play with the future of the students. CBSE should improve its performance. This is a final warning to the Board."
The Kerala High Court has also asked the CBSE to submit a detailed affidavit on the matter by Wednesday.
The court has also asked the petitioners to produce a list of schools where children had appeared for examinations in previous years. It also directed the Kerala government to inform whether the students could miss a year.