The Kerala High Court on Tuesday stayed the Kasargod district panchayat's move to introduce a resolution against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).
The court has stayed the panchayat's move for three weeks.
Earlier, the panchayat decided to pass the resolution on January 23. The court has also decided to issue a notice to the district panchayat and government. The petition will be heard three weeks later.
BJP Kasargod district president Advocate K. Sreekanth had approached the High Court challenging the move of the district panchayat. The petition, pointing out that it is not the responsibility of the district panchayat to pass a resolution against the law passed by the Parliament, said that it was illegal to oppose the amendment.
''In several panchayats and municipalities, LDF and UDF have started to pass a resolution against CAA. It is purely illegal. So, being a member of Kasargod district panchayat, I had received a notice from the district panchayat stating an agenda about passing a resolution against CAA. So I questioned it in the High Court and the court granted a stay," Sreekanth told ANI.
"My grievance in the writ petition is that the move to pass resolution is against law and it is totally illegal. District panchayat has no jurisdiction to discuss the matter since the CAA was passed by the Parliament. It is a very big blow to the UDF and LDF for playing politics in passing such a resolution," he added.