Organisation Secretary of DMK on Tuesday said though he was not clear about the reason behind Khushboo's resignation but her going away will be a loss for the party.
He also asserted that if she had any problem, her first interaction should have been with the leader of the party.
Elangovan told ANI, "She (Khushboo) has resigned, without approaching us. Apparently it seems that she is not happy in the party. However, we should check up with her, and if she had told us the problem, we could have solved it."
He also informed that Khushboo had written a letter yesterday (to the leader), but he didn't know whether the leader has received the letter or not.
Meanwhile, Khushboo cleared her intentions by posting on Twitter, "I am not jumping into any other stop assumptions n hold back ur (your) horses friends.. need some time alone with family.