Chief Minister V Narayanasamy said that the killing of the four accused of raping and murdering a veterinary doctor in an encounter by Telangana Police on Friday must be accepted as a punishment to them by God.
The four accused were shot dead by the police in "retaliatory firing" at the crime spot earlier today, as per Cyberabad Police.
"This punishment (encounter killing) must be accepted as punishment by the Lord. Criminals must learn a lesson from this incident," Narayanasamy told media person here.
The four men allegedly gang-raped and killed a veterinarian before setting her body on fire in Telangana's Shamshabad on November 27. Her charred body was recovered on November 28.
The Chief Minister said that the accused of heinous crimes should be awarded exemplary punishment.
He also said that he has ordered police to ensure women safety in the Union Territory. "I have ordered the police to take necessary steps to ensure women safety in Puducherry," he said.
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Narayanasamy also voiced his concern over the skyrocketing prices of onion. "The rise in prices of onions has affected ordinary people. It is the duty of the state to reduce prices," he said.
He took a jibe at Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for her comment that her family does not consume onion. "But Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman advises people to eat less garlic and onions," the Chief Minister said.