Delhi District Bar Coordination Committee on Friday announced to call off its strike which officially began on November 3, a day following a clash between lawyers and cops at Tis Hazari Court Complex here.
The lawyers announced to resume work from Saturday after a general meeting on the matter in a Delhi court on Friday here.
"We respect the order of Hon'ble High Court so the abstinence from work is suspended, work to be resumed from Saturday. We thank all the members for their cooperation," the Delhi District Bar Coordination Committee chief Mahaveer Sharma said in a statement.
Dhir Singh Kasana, Secretary-General of the Committee, said, "Our fight for Advocates Protection Act will continue."
On November 2, Delhi Police personnel and lawyers had clashed in Tis Hazari court complex following an argument over the parking issue. During the confrontation, both sides received injuries. A lawyer allegedly sustained injuries after getting shot at by the police.
The Delhi High Court had on November 3 ordered a judicial inquiry into the Tis Hazari violence within six weeks.