Union Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party MP Ram Kripal Yadav on Tuesday admitted that he made a mistake by trying to enter Patna's Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Airport through the exit gate, but added that his intentions were not wrong.
"I had no wrong intentions, I was at the exit gate to receive someone.When I was asked to move to the entry gate, I did, there was no verbal spat, I didn't say a word," Yadav told ANI.
"Yes, I made a mistake, I shouldn't have gone to that gate, but I really didn't have any wrong intentions," he added.
Yadav was earlier caught on camera arguing with a woman inspector guarding the area that he should be allowed to use the wrong gate.
The inspector consulted her seniors on her walkie-talkie and then conveyed that her decision cannot be changed.