Congress Lok Sabha candidate from Vadodara Madhusudan Mistry was granted bail after he was arrested for trying to cover the poster of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi with that of the Congress.
"Sure this was done on Modi's orders. This won't stifle the voice of Congress or mine. I didn't tear the poster. Modi can't take up entire space in Gujarat to campaign, we asked for equal space to campaign," said Mistry.
"Senior leaders have gone to talk to the Election Commission, and we will wait for their decision. We want space on electric poles to be given to us for posters," he added.
The Gujarat Police had detained Congress Lok Sabha candidate from Vadodara Madhusudan Mistry for trying to cover the poster of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi with that of the Congress.
The police arrested the Congress leader along with some of his supporters, who later created ruckus on the streets.
Mistry is the Congress candidate in Vadodara, from where Modi is fighting apart from the Varanasi.