Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah on Monday made a reference to a video viral on social media to attack the Congress. He said that the Congress party should be ashamed of interrupting 'Bharat Mata' slogans to raise slogans praising the party leadership.
Shah said, "A video is doing rounds and if it is true, then a Congress candidate who was chanting 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' was asked to chant 'Sonia Gandhi Ki Jai' instead. Congress people should be ashamed."
In the reported video, a person raising 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' can be seen being interrupted by a Congress leader who further asks them to raise slogans praising former party president Sonia Gandhi instead.
Shah also attacked the previous government of Manmohan Singh and blamed it for compromising with the national security.
"One of the biggest works the Narendra Modi government has done is to make the country safe. When for 10 years there was the government of 'silent' Manmohan Singh, anyone from Pakistan would enter the country and cause blasts. There was no one to stop them. After Narendra Modi led Bharatiya Janata Party came to power at the Centre, the situation has changed," he added.
Earlier in the day, addressing another rally in the state, Amit Shah continued his tirade against the Congress president Rahul Gandhi, and said that the Gandhi scion was suffering from "Modi Phobia."
The 230- assembly seats of Madhya Pradesh will go to polls on November 28. The results will be declared on December 11.