Maharashtra Home Minister R.R. Patil on Thursday welcomed a court's verdict as much needed to desist rogue elements from committing heinous acts like rape in a city like Mumbai or elsewhere.
"The verdict given by the court will definitely put a balm on the families of those victims whose modesty were violated by those found guilty. What is heartening is that the court pronounced them as guilty within the shortest span of time since the chargesheet were filed," Patil added.
We still believe that Mumbai is a safe place for women and the verdict announced by the court will have far reaching consequences and a warning for potential criminals so that such cases are not repeated in future," Patil said.
A court in Mumbai has found four accused in Mumbai's Shakti Mills gang rape case as guilty for raping two women in the desolate compound.
It maybe recalled that the accused outraged the modesty of a 22-year-old photo-journalist, interning for a lifestyle magazine in August last year. At least three of the five men assaulted the victim at an abandoned mill close to the railway tracks in the Mahalaxmi area of Mumbai.
The five accused in the Shakti Mills gang rape of a 23-year-old photojournalist on August 22 are Salim Ansari, Vijay Jadhav, Chand Babu Sattar Shaikh, Mohammed Kasim Hafiz Shaikh alias Kasim Bengali and Siraj Rehman Khan.
Days after their arrest, a telephone operator came forward revealing that three of the accused had also gang-raped her on July 31. A 362-page charge sheet was filed against four of the accused in October. The accused, all unemployed young men, lived at a nearby slum.