Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Manoj Tiwari on Friday asked the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Government to get all its leaders investigated, after another party MLA Bhavna Gaur got embroiled in a fake degree row.
"I would advise them to get all their leaders investigated," Tiwari told ANI.
Gaur had earlier said that she was a victim of a conspiracy after a Delhi court took cognisance of a complaint that she gave different educational qualifications in different election affidavits.
"I will answer the Court's question in the Court. This is a conspiracy against us and nothing else. I have a B.A degree and a B. Ed degree," Gaur said.
Metropolitan Magistrate Pankaj Sharma had earlier reportedly taken cognisance of a complaint filed by lawyer Samarendra Nath Verma through his counsel P.S. Singh against Gaur from the Palam assembly constituency.
The court is scheduled to hear the matter on July 25.
Former Delhi Law Minister Jitender Tomar is already battling allegations of cheating, forgery and conspiracy in the fake degree controversy.