If you can't stop analyzing the final voicemail your former lover left and refreshing their Facebook page every 10 minutes, you may be an "exaholic".
A new website called exaholics.com provides an outlet for those who have been unsuccessful in their relationships and helps them get over it, the New York Post reported.
Dr. Lisa Bobby, the Denver-based therapist who created the program for the New York-based site, said that exaholic has a very difficult time moving on as they are hooked into the relationship and think fairly obsessively about their ex, so the site offers a 12-step plan modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous to help them get over it.
The new site, which has about 1,500 registered users and nearly 10,000 monthly visitors, gives the jilted lovers a vent out and helps them connect with people in similar circumstances and reach a point of neutrality.
One user said that the site helps to engage with a supportive community and have a way of fighting back against isolation that is so common, and get the self-esteem back.