It's a universal fact that women are obsessed with shoes, but do guys pay attention to what they put on their feet?
According to men's footwear brand Allen Edmonds- which recently conducted a survey of 1,000 American men and women- women judge men's shoes twice as much as men judge women's.
The Huffington Post has suggested some simple tips that can help men to improve their shoe situation.
The first one is that a guy should avoid wearing sandals and always cover up his toes as it is usually not the most attractive part of a man's body.
According to experts, men should never wear shiny black leather dress shoes with jeans.
Suede desert boots look good on everyone. When you're looking for something nicer than trainers but less formal than black leather brogues, desert boots are your best friends.
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It has been suggested that showing off gleaming white socks is not a good idea, so better tuck them away.
The last rule is an oldie but goldie, which says that men should always match their shoes to the colour of belt they are wearing.