Men think women who're 22 would be less hot than the ones who are 20, according to a new book on relationships.
The book, Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One's Looking), is based on the data from the dating website OkCupid, that was co-founded by author Christian Rudder, and reveals the way people interact and view each other, Discovery News reported.
It also stated that men up to age 50 find women between ages 20-24 most attractive.
However, there's one graphic from the book's first chapter which has created quite a buzz, as it enlightens that when women view men, up to age 39, they prefer men's looks who are just about one year younger than they are. Even at age 50, 46-year-old men are looking good to women.
The author said that the data was only measuring people's opinions, not what they actually did. Hence, the 40-year-old guys actually went out with 30-35-year-old women.
Rudder also said that the data revealed that there was a bias against black users, as every kind of way that one could assess them, was all reduced.