A new study has revealed that menthol acts in combination with nicotine to desensitize receptors in lungs' airways that are responsible for nicotine's irritation.
According to neuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center, their study provides a better understanding of how menthol affects the function of the a3beta4 receptor, one of the most prevalent nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in the peripheral nervous system. These receptors are expressed in airway sensory nerves as well as other neurons.
Study author, Kenneth Kellar, PhD, a professor of pharmacology at GUMC, said that they know that a menthol cough drop soothes a scratchy, sore throat. The question we looked at is if and how it works when the irritant is nicotine.
Study's co-investigator Gerald Ahern, PhD, an associate professor of pharmacology, said that the issue may be that menthol in the presence of nicotine may reduce the irritation enough that a smoker can inhale more deeply, bringing not just nicotine but toxic smoke products farther into the lungs.
While beyond the scope of this study, it is possible that such deeper inhalation of menthol cigarettes, to the extent it occurs, increases the already substantial health harms from smoking.