Former Delhi chief minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said that the so-called 'Modi wave' was a creation of the media and opinion polls that were in favour of the Bharatiya Janata Party prime ministerial candidate were paid for.
"You people keep talking about the development in Gujarat. How do you know that it is true, that media is right? Therefore, I am going away to Gujarat to check out the development there," said Kejriwal, while addressing a rally in Kanpur.
"The Modi wave is a creation of the media; it's a wave on the television. I have been to 17 Vidhan Sabha constituencies in Uttar Pradesh, and I saw no wave in favour of Modi there," he said.
"Paid opinion polls are projecting a win for Narendra Modi. He still hasn't replied to my letter, how will he answer people's questions? In fact, he hasn't even acknowledged the receipt of my letter," he added.
He further said that there was no point in replacing Modi with Manmohan Singh as the prime minister.
"Don't be caught between a rock and a hard place. There is no point in defeating Manmohan Singh, and welcoming Narendra Modi," said Kejriwal.
"People are angry, they want a change. I'm not here to ask you for votes. I'm here to ask you to save the country. Only one party is capable of giving you a clean, non-corrupt politics," he said.