Adolf Hitler can soon be seen playing the most evil kung-fu master in the world, Kung Fuhrer, in a movie, if the producers of the flick manage to get 200,000 dollars in funds on Kickstarter.
According to the Verge, the trailer of 'Kung Fury' that is assembled using the raw footage that has already been shot, shows everything from skateboard-toting punks to time travel to dinosaurs to Norse gods and to Nazis.
David Sandberg, the project's writer, director, and star, said that apart from creating all the environments digitally, there's a lot of CG animated characters such as dinosaurs and robots that requires talented people and lots of time.
The money collected from Kickstarter will go towards hiring a team of 7 visual effects artists for 6 months to create the free 30-minute movie that will be released online.