Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Tuesday announced a hike in Members of Legislative Assembly- Local Area Development (MLA-LAD) from Rs. 77 lakh to Rs. 2 crores.
Speking in the Madhya Pradesh Assembly, Chouhan said that the hike has been proposed so that the legislatures can serve their constituencies in a better manner.
"For every small work they have to come to the government. So, i honestly feel that for these small works MLA funds should be increased. I request the Finance Minister to raise it to Rs. 2 crores," he said.
"If you need more than do not worry, we will all work together for better ment of people. Money should never come in the way of serving people," he added.
MLA-LAD fund is the amount allocated to legislatures for spending on development activities in their respective constituencies.
If utilised in an effective manner, the MLA LAD fund can do a lot for the residents of the constituency.
However, several studies show that most of the MLA-LAD funds remain under utilised by the end of the year.