Madhya Pradesh Congress leader Jitu Patwari on Monday accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of being behind the ongoing political crises in the state and alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has discovered a "model to kill" the democracy by abducting, luring, managing the MLAs and then making a demand for a floor test.
"Chief Minister (Kamal Nath) has said that some of our MLAs have been kidnapped. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has discovered a model to kill the democracy - abduct, lure, manage MLAs and keep them in police custody, record and make their videos and then demand a floor test," Patwari told ANI.
The Madhya Pradesh Assembly, which met on Monday morning for the Budget session was adjourned immediately after the Governor's address till March 26, in view of coronavirus outbreak.
On Saturday, Madhya Pradesh Governor Lalji Tandon had instructed Kamal Nath to face a trust vote after his address to the state assembly. Today, the chief minister wrote to Governor Tandon and asked for a postponement -- he said some of his MLAs were being held hostage and felt the vote should only be held when everyone is free.
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