Madhya Pradesh Minister Jeetu Patwari on Monday lost his cool when Congress workers in Rewa did not move out out his chamber before a scheduled press briefing.
A visibly miffed Patwari was caught on camera while forcibly pushing a party worker out of the room. The party worker, however, remained calm and did not utter a single word to the minister and moved out of his cabin without any reaction.
The incident occurred when two factions of the Congress had turned face to face in Patwari's office.
The minister asked the workers to go out, however, they did not pay heed to him. Due to this, Patwari got angry and he himself pushed them out of the room.
After this incident, the media in-charge of Madhya Pradesh BJP, Lokendra Parashar, took a jibe at Patwari by sharing the video on Twitter and wrote. "Honorable Jeetu Patwari Saheb, Higher Education Minister, handling law and order in Rewa.