The golf communities of Gurugram gathered to witness the launch of a unique and mysterious piece of art by the renowned artist Vishal K Dar on December 9 at The Sanctuary, Golf Drive of DLF Golf and Country Club.
The evening was curated by DLF5 in collaboration with the Architectural Digest (AD).
Created at The Sanctuary, Golf Drive inside the premises of DLF Golf and Country Club, the artwork is called Black Folly. According to the architectural terminology, a folly is a kind of construction that has no practical use. It is a building constructed primarily for decoration.
The folly has three computer-controlled beams of light in motion. The beams are bound within the Cartesian geometry of x-y-z axis that reflects a mirror strip. There is also a floating presence of three large circular mirrors in the folly. The process is such that when the controlled light beams playing, geometrical lines move around inside the folly. Being reflected around by the mirrors and mirror strips strategically placed inside it, the folly appears to be like a factory of 3-dimensional diagrams. It is a slow and dynamic art that requires keen observation and a lot of patience.
"The concept is to show what miracles are enclosed in the useless things lying around us," said Dar.
The purpose of this art is to create a factory that produces countless pictures of possibilities. Who knows what mysteries a box-like structure randomly placed in a lawn enclose in itself? This show of lights and shadows is most evident when there is no extra light around to create distractions and the art requires long durations of regular observations to be figured out.
The folly would be lying in The Sanctuary, Golf Drive of DLF Golf and Country Club up to January 9, 2019, to attract regular visits from those who appreciate the art.